Microbiology & Medical


Overview text will come herere


Sr. No. Equipment / Tool Company Make Usage
1. Orbital Shaking Incubator Mfd. By: Vindish Instrument Pvt. Ltd.
Mktd. By: EIE Instrument Pvt. Ltd.
An orbital shaker is used to mix and agitate liquids in flasks or plates, ensuring uniform distribution of cells, reagents, or solutions during various laboratory applications.
2. Autoclave Mfd. By: Vindish Instrument Pvt. Ltd.
Mktd. By: EIE Instrument Pvt. Ltd.

Cintex Industrial Corporation
Mfd. By: laboratory equipment
An autoclave is used for sterilizing laboratory instruments, surgical tools, and culture media through high-pressure steam to eliminate microorganisms.
3. Bacterial Incubator Mfd. By: Vindish Instrument Pvt. Ltd.
Mktd. By: EIE Instrument Pvt. Ltd.
A bacterial incubator is used to provide a controlled environment for the growth and cultivation of bacteria and other microorganisms at optimal temperature and humidity levels.
4. Laminar Air Flow Clean Air A laminar airflow cabinet provides a sterile workspace by directing filtered air in a unidirectional flow to protect sensitive samples from contamination.
5. Weight Balance Saffron A weight balance is used to accurately measure the mass of samples.
6. Colony Counter Flexitest A colony counter is an instrument used to accurately count the number of colonies of microorganisms on agar plates.

Testing Price List

Parameters Testing standards Testing charges ₹
Antibacterial Finishes on Textile Materials: Assessment of Fabric AATCC- 147 4500
Antibacterial Finishes on Textile Materials: Assessment of Fabric AATCC- 100 2200
Total Bacterial Count (T.B.C) APHA Part :9000 (Section 9215 B) 24th Edition 600
Most Probable Number (MPN) APHA Part :9000 (Section 9221 B) 24th Edition 600
Coliform Escherichia Coli APHA Part :9000 (Section 9221 B) 24th Edition 400


Sr. No. Name Designation Expertise
1. Shivani B. Prajapati J.S.O. Microbiology testing
2. Sejal R. Shirsath Lab Assistant Microbiology testing
3. Yogesh R. Patel Peon Lab Helper


Sr. No. Staff Name Name of Training Date Details General / Inhouse / Training provided by MANTRA
1. Shivani Prajapati Fire Safety 19 June 2024 Fire Safety Awareness MANTRA
Kaizen 16 & 30 Dec 2023 Awareness MANTRA
2. Sejal shirsath Fire Safety 19 June 2024 Fire Safety Awareness MANTRA
Kaizen 16 & 30 Dec 2023 Awareness MANTRA