Welcome to MANTRA

The Man Made Textile Research Association

MANTRA, established in 1981, is one of the eight national level Textiles Research Associations (TRAs) and one of the leading TRAs in man-made fibres, linked to the Ministry of Textiles, Government of India, and recognized as SIRO by the Department of Scientific & Industrial Research, Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India. MANTRA is registered under Bombay Public Trust Act, 1950 and Society Registration Act, 1860.

To cater to the ever incrasing quality control needs of growing MAN-MADE TEXTILES industry around the city of Surat in South Gujarat, in late nineteen seventies an idea was mooted to set up a full-fledged independent Research ssociation for the region. MANTRA was to be set up on similar lines as other National Textile Reserch Associations.

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