Services - Energy Audit Cell - Common Utility Power

Energy Conservation


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Illumination can be increased
 - by cleaning the reflector and tube lights.
 - by lowering the height of the tube light fixtures.
 - by sticking mirror optic films on reflectors.


Power saving can be achieved by  
 - by replacing 36W tube lights in place of 40 w tube lights and 80 w tube lights.
 - by using electronic ballasts in place of aluminium copper ballasts.
 - by using beblac units
 - by using stabilizers.


Power saving can be achieved by eliminating any type of lamps, i.e., zero lamps, 10w, 15w, 40w, 60w, 100w, 200w, etc., by replacing suitable 9w to 18w slim tube lights directly replaced in lamp holders.


Mercury vapour lamps can be replaced by sodium vapour lamps for street lighting and compound lighting


Switch off lights when not required.


In passage and idle working tube lights can be stopped during day time.


If required, separate the lighting circuits for switching off during day time and also when machines are not working.


If north light glasses are provided, clean the glasses regularly and switch off the lights during day time if possible.


Photocell can be used for on-off operation of street light.


Timer can be used for on-off operation of street light.


For street light and compound light, tube light fixtures are to be used in place of mercury vapour lamp and sodium vapour lamp if possible.


Where there are asbestose sheet roof, part of them are to be replaced by transparent plastic- acrylic roof so that during day time lights can be switched off and power can be saved.

Energy Conservation

Tips for using your refrigerator and freezer

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Running an extra freeze will add substantially to electricity use. Switch it off when it is not needed.


Make sure there is plenty of air flow over the coils on the back of the freeze or freezer, restricting ventilation could add 15% to energy use. Clean the coils occasionally – it makes difference.


Choose a cool position. Placing a refrigerator or freezer in the sun or next to oven can increase energy consumption substantially.


If the motor (compressor) seems to run almost all the time (continuously), call the maintenance technician to check it. It saves your energy and money.


Allow food to cool before putting it in the freeze.


Defrost regularly if you do not have a cycle defrost or frost-free model. Ice insulates and if it is not removed before it becomes thick, the unit will become very inefficient.


Do not open the door more than you need to and make sure the door seal is clean and tight; this means less energy use and more time between defrost.


Do not set temperature lower than necessary. A change of 1°C can affect energy consumption by 5%.


Buy a freeze or freezer that is the right size for your needs – one that is too big is wastage. If you are not keeping a freeze at least two thirds full or a freezer at least three quarters full, it is too big.


Choose an energy efficient model next time you buy.

Energy Conservation

Save Electricity (Air conditioners)

To save electric energy and keep rooms cool, do the following when using a room air conditioner:-

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Turn off any light and electric equipment that are not required as they generate heat.


Make sure that doors and windows are closed to keep the cool air inside the house or office. If required, double doors to be provided where incoming and outgoing frequencies are more.


Select the thermostat setting as desired. A temperature of 25°C is usually recommended.


The air conditioner should be shut off if the room is to be kept unoccupied for more than 24 hours.


During hot days, keep the house closed tightly and use natural or forced ventilation at night when the air is cooler. Use the “Ventilate” or “Outside air” control on the room air conditioner.


Do not block the air conditioner vents with furniture and other household.


Use the continuous air conditioner fan operation only when the resulting air movement is required to maintain comfortable conditions in the room.


Insultating your home for the summer is as good an idea as for winter. A well insulated house will not let in hot humid air and will keep your house cooler.


Whenever you can, replace AC with fans. Substituting fans for air-conditioners can reduce energy by 60% or more.


Install a programmable thermostat unit, if you do not have one. You can save as much as 10 to 15% on your cooling bill by simply turning your thermostat back 10 to 15 degrees for 8 hours.


Set your thermostat high as comfortably as possible in the summer. The less the difference between the indoor and outdoor temperature, the lower will be the bill.


Fast cooling, than what is required, is a bad idea, it results in excessive cooling and, therefore, unnecessary expense.


Room air conditioner must be installed on a flat, even, surface so that the inside drainage system and other mechanisms operate efficiently.


Set the fan speed on high, except on very humid days. When humidity is high, set the fan speed on low for more comfort. Low speed on humid days removes moisture from the air.


Do not place lamps or televisions near your air conditioning thermostat. The thermostat senses heat from these appliances, which can cause the air conditioner to run longer than necessary.


Air conditioner operating in the shade uses as much as 10% less electricity than the same one operating under sunlight. Make sure that your AC is installed in the shade.


Check your air conditioner’s air filter once a month and clean or replace filters whenever necessary. Keeping the filter clean reduces load on compressor and can lower your air conditioner’s enegy consumption by 5% to 15%.


Clogging drain channels prevent a unit (AC) from reducing humidity, and resulting excess moisture may discolour walls of carpet.


Inspect the seal between the air conditioner and the window frame to ensure it makes contact with the unit’s (AC’s) metal cose. Holes or gap in the seal between the air conditioner and the window frame allows cool air to escape from your home or office room.


Sun film reduces heat entry through glass. Using good sun film can cut heat entry a good 70%.


Computer consumes about 300 watts per hour and does add to the heat of the room. The heat generated from 10 computers needs 1 tonne of air conditioning to keep the room comfortable. Computer preform better in air conditioned space as it creates a dust free environment for the computers.


Placing pantry within the air conditioned space will lead to higher electricity bills as more than the heat generated, more the air conditioning required. And if there are stoves, there is a lot of heat. But, if you have an office pantry with a microwave oven and a small electric kettle, it should be OK.


Keep the refrigerator away from air conditioned space.


High efficiency room air conditioner save money on your utility bills.


High efficiency air conditioners result in fewer environmentally harmful emissions.


A high efficiency AC unit can reduce energy consumption (and environmental emissions) by 20% to 50%.


An average air conditioned home consumes more than 2,000 kilowatt hours of electricity per year for cooling, causing about 3,500 pounds of carbon dioxide and 31 pounds of sulphur dioxide to be emitted.

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Developed by Ambesh Singh(MANTRA)
